Prayer for Spring


My sweet Lord,

There are blossoms on my Asian Pear tree. Those tulip bulbs my husband planted for my birthday have bounced up. We had no idea what color they were, so each day is a surprise when buds open revealing a purple, pink or yellow flower.

The boys have noticed bunnies darting throughout the neighborhood. Here! In the inner city! Where do they live?

And each morning I am awaken by birds singing. They remind me of the women in my childhood neighborhood, talking and laughing while they swept the stoops in front of their homes.

Spring is here!

I know it happens every year but every year I am flabbergasted by the gloriousness of it all. I want you to know that it is not wasted on me. I see it all and I want to say “Thank you!”

I think of Psalms 8

“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
    the moon and the stars that you have established;
 what are human beings that you are mindful of them,
    mortals that you care for them?”

Yes, Lord even from my little urban sanctuary I can see your splendor and majesty. Sure, I’d love to go to Yosemite but I can see it here too, in flowers that spring from sidewalk cracks and robins that make nests in our laurel bushes.

It makes me want to sing a little. To praise you. To thank you for this. It is healing.

It just feels different, you know? Full of promise and hope and goodness.

I think you’re giving me a little nudge with all this sweetness saying, “It’s time.” It’s time for what? What’s next? I don’t know but I trust that you will show me. I do think you are telling me it’s time to be bold though.  I think of Peter and John and Paul and Barnabas. They are all described as being bold.

My faith has grown this year. It is no longer a childish faith. It has been tested. The book of James says that the testing of our faith produces endurance. Let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature. (James 1:3-4) I want to live out a mature faith. Not a simple childish one anymore.

I look again to scripture to hear your words, to know where you are guiding me. I find, “since, then, we have such a hope, we act with great boldness.” (2 Cor 3:12)

I think it’s time for new beginnings.