Pope Francis' Book: Sharing the Wisdom of Time


I am thrilled to announce that I have a story in POPE FRANCIS’s new book SHARING THE WISDOM OF TIME!

Nearly two years ago, editors at Loyola Press contacted me to write about my relationship with my dear university mentor, Dr. Donald Weinstock. After a couple edits and several months, I was still unsure if it would be included in this anthology. Last Spring, I found out it would.

From Amazon:

Sharing the Wisdom of Time is an international effort that collects the stories of elders from over 30 countries carved from lifetimes of experience. From a blind basket weaver in Kenya to an acclaimed filmmaker in Hollywood, from a survivor of the Auschwitz concentration camp to a centenarian midwife in Guatemala, every story is a testament to the power of faith, perseverance, human resilience, and love. “

I haven’t received my copy yet but my understanding is that Pope Francis interacts with some of the stories similar to his interaction with children’s letters in DEAR POPE FRANCIS .

Next week, I’ll be flying to Chicago to be a part of Loyola Press’ Celebration and Book Launch! I can’t wait to meet my editor for this project and some of the other editors I have worked with for Loyola.